¢SiBle Checks Order Form
Customer Name: |
Account Number: |
If you would like your phone number printed on your checks, please list that below: |
Phone Number: |
Check Style: |
Check Type: |
# of Boxes: |
Start Number: |
If you have Netscape Navigator 4+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+, the "Print Form" button will work. Otherwise put your cursor in this frame and use the browser's print function.
Your check order will be ready for pick-up at the bank two business days from the day we receive your order form. Your completed order form can be either mailed, faxed, or dropped off to Citizens State Bank at your convenience!
Mail Form To:
Citizens State Bank
817 Main Street
PO Box 9
Boyden, IA 51234
Fax Form To:
Attention: ¢SiBle Checks Order |
Thank you for your interest in  |